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Legal notices Babylio Publisher of the site

1. Application of the general conditions – Opposability

1.1. These General Conditions govern the relations between, on the one hand, the company Room of Success FZ-LLC, whose registered office is established Free Zone Limited Liability Company FZ-LLC FDAM0643
Compass Building,
Al Shohada Road,
AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. registered under number 45002394, hereinafter referred to as 'the Company' and, on the other hand, its Consumer Customers, natural persons who have reached the age of 18, legal age or legal entities acting or not within the framework of their statutory activity.

1.2. These General Conditions apply, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing by the Company, in cases of offers and contracts for the sale of products and services carried out in the course of the Company's commercial activities.

1.3. The Company rejects any conditions or stipulations appearing on documents from its Clients or ordering parties. These general conditions alone apply, unless expressly stated otherwise in writing by the Company in its order confirmation.

1.4. The Customer expressly declares that placing an order by him implies his unconditional acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

1.5. The fact that the Company does not avail itself, at a given time, of any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale cannot be interpreted as a waiver of the right to avail itself subsequently of the provisions concerned.

These general conditions determine the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of online sales on the site www.Babylio.fr which is a site specialized in sports analysis.


TYPE: Freezone

LEGAL TYPE: Free Zone Limited Liability Company FZ-LLC

Licensee: Room of Success FZ-LLC

Operating Name: Room of Success FZ-LLC

Address: FDAM0643
Compass Building,
Al Shohada Road,
AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ,
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates

Activity: Publications and media Materials E-Trading, Portal, E-Commerce Through Websites, Products and Services E-Trading


These general terms and conditions of sale apply to any purchase made online on the Babylio.fr website. The applicable version of the general conditions is the one online at the time of purchase.

Clicking to validate the order implies full acceptance of these general conditions, in accordance with the message displayed on the screen before validating the order.

This click is equivalent to a 'digital signature'.

By clicking, the customer expressly acknowledges having read these general conditions and accepts them. The website user acknowledges:

- being of legal age, i.e. being over 18 years old within the meaning of French regulations and having the legal capacity to contract

- having the competence and means necessary to access and use the website. The mere use of the website implies unconditional acceptance of its terms of use.


Babylio gives no warranty as to the appropriateness of following the advice given on its website.

Everyone is free to use them as they see fit and under their own responsibility.

Babylio.fr is not a betting site. Babylio offers its own personal analysis, after a daily and thorough study of all the advice it offers. All information disseminated on this site is provided for informational purposes only. The interpretation and use of this information is the SOLE responsibility of the individual member. Babylio cannot be held responsible for the use made by the member of its advice. If the member decides to follow the advice, whether on Babylio or their own, they do so under their sole and entire responsibility. Babylio only offers its own advice but no member is obliged to follow them

Babylio disclaims all liability in the event of any losses. The advice disseminated on the Site in no way engage the responsibility of its creator, it is in no way an encouragement.

We draw your attention to the fact that in accordance with Article L121-4 of the Consumer Code we have no intention of increasing your chances of winning. By subscribing to our offers, you will simply have access to our daily analyzes. However, it is important to keep in mind that sports advice is subject to chance and we could not be held responsible if one of our analyzes turns out to be false.

Babylio does not contract any obligation of result, so if its advice prove to be inaccurate, its liability cannot be engaged in any way and for any damages.

Babylio strives, as far as possible, to keep its site accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, but is not obliged to do so.

Access to its site may therefore be interrupted at any time, in particular for maintenance, updating or for any other reason, particularly technical, without its liability being incurred.

Any claim relating to an invoice must be sent by email to contact@babyliopronos.fr within eight calendar days of its receipt.

At the end of this period, no further claims will be admissible.

Personal data

The babylio site guarantees the confidentiality of the information recorded on the site. The personal data collected are intended solely for internal use.

You have the right to access, rectify, modify, oppose and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting us through our contact form.


Cookies are text files placed on your computer's hard drive that allow data relating to the Internet user to be stored when he/she connects to the site. These cookies are not designed for the purpose of collecting personal data. They are used only to remember your preferences and user sessions, which will make navigation on the site easier (no need to reconnect when arriving on the site and navigating on it).


The contents of the site are the exclusive property of Babylio. The images used are created by Babylio or purchased from the royalty-free image bank site

It is prohibited to reproduce and redistribute all or part of these contents, without the prior written authorization of Babylio.


The links on the site may direct the user to external sites. Babylio assumes no responsibility for the content published on these sites.

Upsell Feature

The upsell is a feature in the form of a pop-up or notification that is presented to you after purchasing any service on Babylio Pronos. This notification offers you a discount on one of our services at a reduced price. You are free to accept or decline this offer.

By accepting the upsell, the indicated amount will be automatically charged to your registered payment method and the associated service will be added to your account. If the service is not activated on your account following this transaction, please contact our customer support at the following address: contact@babyliopronos.fr.

If you choose to decline the upsell offer, the notification will permanently disappear and it will not be possible to make it reappear later.

No refunds are possible for upsell transactions, as you are fully responsible for your decision to accept or decline the offer. We consider that you are aware of the terms of the offer at the time of your decision.

CB Functionality

Any mention of the terms "CB" or "satisfied or refunded" by Babylio, whether on social media or in private communications, solely signifies a refund to the BABYIOPRONOS account. This refund will be made in the form of a subscription credited to the corresponding BABYLIOPRONOS customer account. CB = BABYLIOPRONOS Account