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Cookies may be used for statistical purposes, notably to optimize the services provided to the User, based on the processing of information concerning access frequency, page customization, as well as operations performed and information consulted.

You are informed that the Publisher may deposit cookies on your terminal. The cookie records information relating to navigation on the service (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of consultation...) which we can read during your subsequent visits.

User: The person using the Site and the services.

User's right to refuse cookies

You acknowledge having been informed that the Publisher may use cookies. If you do not wish for cookies to be used on your terminal, most browsers allow you to disable cookies through the settings options.

Retention of technical data

Retention period of technical data

Technical data is kept for the strictly necessary duration for the achievement of the purposes outlined above.

Retention period of personal data and anonymization

Retention of anonymized data beyond the contractual relationship / after account deletion

We retain personal data for the strictly necessary duration for the achievement of the purposes described in these TOS. Beyond this period, they will be anonymized and kept for exclusively statistical purposes and will not be exploited in any way.

Data deletion after account deletion

Data purging means are put in place to ensure effective deletion as soon as the retention or archiving period necessary for the accomplishment of the determined or imposed purposes is reached. You also have a right to delete your data that you can exercise at any time by contacting the Publisher.

Data deletion after 3 years of inactivity

For security reasons, if you have not authenticated on the Site for a period of three years, you will receive an email inviting you to log in as soon as possible, otherwise your data will be deleted from our databases.

Account deletion

Account deletion on demand

The User has the possibility to delete his Account at any time, by simple request to the Publisher OR by the account deletion menu present in the account settings if applicable.

Indications in case of security breach detected by the Publisher

User information in case of security breach

We undertake to implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security adapted to the risks of accidental, unauthorized or illegal access, disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of personal data concerning you. In the event that we become aware of illegal access to personal data concerning you stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or unauthorized access resulting in the realization of the risks identified above, we undertake to:

Notify you of the incident as soon as possible; Examine the causes of the incident and inform you thereof;

Take necessary measures within reasonable limits to mitigate the negative effects and damages that may result from said incident

Limitation of liability

In no event shall the commitments defined above regarding notification in the event of a security breach be construed as an acknowledgment of fault or liability regarding the occurrence of the incident in question.

Transfer of personal data abroad

Transfer of data to countries with an equivalent level of protection

The Publisher undertakes to comply with applicable regulations regarding transfers of data to foreign countries, notably according to the following modalities:

The Publisher transfers personal data of its Users to countries recognized as offering an equivalent level of protection.

The Publisher transfers personal data of its Users outside countries recognized by the CNIL as having a sufficient level of protection: The Publisher has obtained authorization from the CNIL to proceed with this transfer.

To know the list of these countries: CNIL – Data protection worldwide

Modification of TOS and privacy policy

In the event of a modification of these TOS, commitment not to substantially lower the confidentiality level without prior information to the persons concerned

We undertake to inform you in the event of a substantial modification of these TOS, and not to substantially lower the confidentiality level of your data without informing you and obtaining your consent.

Data portability

The Publisher undertakes to offer you the possibility of having all your data returned to you upon simple request. The user is thus guaranteed better control of his data, and retains the possibility of reusing it. This data must be provided in an open and easily reusable format.